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May 2017


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"Kerry H. Landers" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Kerry H. Landers
Thu, 4 May 2017 09:19:33 -0400
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Graduate Studies Listserv - 


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In this Newsletter:

* Be a Fulbright Scholar through Dartmouth
* GRAD Alumni Research Award
* Big Data in the Life Sciences Symposium 
* GWISE Networking Lunch
* Subscription Details


* Be a Fulbright Scholar through Dartmouth *

Want to move your ideas, learning, and teaching from the classroom to
the world? As a Dartmouth graduate student you can apply to conduct
research, or teach abroad through the Fulbright Student Fellowship
program (  Fulbright has programs in
many countries so check details for countries of interest on the
Fulbright web-site. See details on application through Dartmouth at
Eligibility: If you are a U.S. Citizen, earned your bachelor’s and/or
master’s degree through Dartmouth, and have not earned a Ph.D. you are
likely eligible (some country-specific requirements exist). 
Contact: If interested, contact Dartmouth’s Fulbright Program Adviser
through [log in to unmask] or book an in-person or phone/Skype
appointment (, noting that you’re
interested in the Fulbright.

* GRAD Alumni Research Award *

Alumni Research Award

Due to the generosity of a number of loyal graduates of Dartmouth's
graduate programs, the Alumni Fund and the School of Graduate and
Advanced Studies have received donations which have been placed into a
special alumni graduate fund. 
Funds for Thesis Research

The School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, through the generosity of
our alumni, has funds available to support the research of our current
graduate students. 

Currently enrolled graduate students, engaged in thesis research at
Dartmouth College can apply for an Alumni Research Award during the
spring term of each calendar year. (Deadline: May 5) Please submit the
application to the School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, 37 Dewey
Field Road, Suite 6062, room 437.
The maximum amount of each award will be limited to $1,000.00, but no
more than $500.00 of this can be used for travel. A detailed budget is
Requests for travel to attend a scientific meeting or to purchase
computers, peripherals, or other forms of laboratory equipment will not
be considered.

Application Requirements

Your application must include the following:

A letter of support from your advisor
A one-page description of your research
A detailed budget proposal for the award funds. The award is designed to
enhance your thesis research activity, and as such, your request must
propose something that you might not readily accomplish otherwise.
Some examples are: provide access to a library archive to examine an
original manuscript; provide access to a specialized item of equipment
not available at Dartmouth; provide payment for additional subjects;
perform field work at a distant site that might add an interesting
perspective to data collected from your existing, local field site(s).

Recipients of Graduate Alumni Research Awards will be required to submit
to the Graduate Office a one page synopsis of the activity they
conducted with their award within 30 days of completion of their funded

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jane Seibel in
the Graduate Studies Office, 37 Dewey Field Road, Suite 6062, room 437.

* Big Data in the Life Sciences Symposium  *

Dear Dartmouth Community,
Reminder to register for the Big Data in the Life Sciences Symposium -
May 23rd & 24th!! Poster Session registration has been extended to 5/10.
Register Here:
More information below:
Please join us for this 2-day event on May 23rd & 24th in Alumni Hall.
Register for either day or both!!
May 23rd- Scientific Talks
May 24th- Career Development
Poster Session registration is open to ALL students with research in
related fields. Spots are limited.
Keynote Speakers:
Cathy Ball, Chief Scientific Officer, AncestryDNA, LLC
Dave Jensen, Managing Director, CareerTrax, Inc.
Presented by The Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) Big Data Training Program
Contributing Sponsors:
Office of the Provost
School of Graduate & Advanced Studies
Geisel’s Office of the Dean
Quantitative Biology Research Institute (QBRI)
Department of Molecular and Systems Biology
Center for Molecular Epidemiology
Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (QBS)
Questions?? Please contact Shaniqua Jones ([log in to unmask])

* GWISE Networking Lunch *

Join Melody Brown Burkins and Professor Mary Albert as they discuss the
importance of women networking and offer helpful tips over lunch. Please
note: we are starting at 11:45 am. Lunch provided.


Mary Albert

Professor of Engineering
Executive Director, U.S. Ice Drilling Program Office
Professor of Environmental Studies
Associate Director, Programs & Research, John Sloan Dickey Center for
International Understanding
Chair, US National Committee to the International Union of Geological
Member, Board on International Scientific Organizations, National

Dr. Melody Brown Burkins (GR '98) is the Associate Director for Programs
and Research in the John Sloan Dickey Center for International
Understanding and Adjunct Professor in the Environmental Studies Program
at Dartmouth College. With over twenty years of experience in both
academia and government, she is an advocate for policy-engaged
scholarship across disciplines, international education and partnerships,
creating new opportunities for academics and professionals in science
policy and diplomacy, and the support of global initiatives investing in
earth systems sustainability, civic engagement, and gender equality.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
11:45am - 1:00pm


* Subscription Details *

You are subscribed to Graduate Studies Listserv. To unsubscribe, visit:

37 Dewey Field Road, Suite 437
Dartmouth College 
Hanover, NH 03755

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Dartmouth Graduate Studies
