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May 2017


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"Kerry H. Landers" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Kerry H. Landers
Mon, 8 May 2017 07:00:30 -0400
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Graduate Studies Listserv - 


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In this Newsletter:

* Cybersecurity, Mars, & Careers in Applied Research
* CVs in LaTeX (For STEM Majors)
* Stephanie Pfirman, is Hirschorn Professor and co-Chair of Barnard's
Department of Environmental Science.
* GWISE Networking Lunch
* Montgomery Fellow lunch with upcoming writer
* Lunch with PhD/MBA alum, Brad Demay
* Subscription Details


* Cybersecurity, Mars, & Careers in Applied Research *

A Conversation with Dickie George '70: Cybersecurity, Mars, & Careers in
Applied Research
Wednesday, May 10, 4-5 pm | Kresge Library Conference Room, Fairchild
Register by noon May 10th in DartBoard under "My Events". 

Dickie George '70 is a Senior Cyber Security Analyst at Johns Hopkins
Applied Physics Lab (APL), a non-profit research center with over 5,000
employees. A Math major at Dartmouth, Dickie provides expertise on
national security, creating and evaluating security solutions (he made
Obama's Blackberry while at the NSA), and recruits STEM students for
internships and full-time jobs. Join us for an informal conversation
with Dickie and learn about his career and STEM opportunities in applied

* CVs in LaTeX (For STEM Majors) *

CVs in LaTeX (For STEM Majors)
Monday, May 8, 2:30-3:30 pm | Kemeny 120

When applying for jobs and grants in academia your CV makes your first
impression on potential employers and reviewing agencies. Also, this is
likely the first document most people will download from your webpage.
In this workshop, we will look at some common templates and discuss CV
formatting in LaTeX. Please bring your laptop.

* Stephanie Pfirman, is Hirschorn Professor and co-Chair of Barnard's
Department of Environmental Science. *

Fyi… Please RSVP to  [log in to unmask] by May 10 if you
would like to attend the 2 pm discussion with Stephanie Pfirman,
Hirschorn Professor and co-Chair of Barnard's Department of
Environmental Science

From: "Caitlin J. Clapp" <[log in to unmask]>

Dear Margaret & Kerry,  
Denise Anthony has invited Environmental Scientist Stephanie Pfirman to
give the Leading Voices in Higher Education talk this spring to talk
about her findings from her NSF-ADVANCE grant. She will be on campus for
the day of May 16, with her talk scheduled for 4:30-6pm in Oopik (her
bio is below, and CV attached).
Denise would like to invite WISP and Graduate Students to a discussion
with Stephanie at 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm on May 16.  Location TBD and
refreshments will be served. 
Would you be able to forward this email to your respective students and
ask that they RSVP to me by May 10 if they are interested in joining the
Thank you,
Leading Voices in Higher Education Lecture with Stephanie Pfirman,
Hirschorn Professor and co-Chair of the Department of Environmental
Science at Barnard College 
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm 
Oopik Auditorium, Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center
Lecture Title: "Interdisciplinarity and Diversity: Opportunities and
Bio: Stephanie Pfirman, is Hirschorn Professor and co-Chair of Barnard's
Department of Environmental Science.  She holds a joint appointment with
Columbia University where she is a member of the faculties of the Earth
Institute and the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and
Adjunct Research Scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of
Columbia University.  As Chair of the Earth Institute’s Faculty
Development Committee, an NSF Advancing Women in the Sciences (ADVANCE)
coPI, and past President of the Council of Environmental Deans and
Directors, Pfirman has helped to understand and foster the career
trajectories of women and interdisciplinary scholars.  She has
contributed to the development of innovative educational approaches in
interdisciplinary, environmental, and STEM education including leading
the multi-institutional and cross-disciplinary Polar Learning and
Responding: PoLAR Climate Change Education Partnership supported by the
National Science Foundation, chairing the Education Committee of the
Columbia Earth Institute, and serving as a consultant for the Andrew W.
Mellon, Sherman Fairchild, and Luce foundations.  Pfirman is a Fellow of
the American Association for the Advancement of Science and in 2016, in
honor of extraordinary service, Pfirman was designated a lifetime
National Associate of the National Research Council.
Prior to joining Barnard, Professor Pfirman was a senior scientist at
the Environmental Defense Fund and co-developer of the award-winning
exhibition, "Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast," produced
jointly with the American Museum of Natural History.  She has worked for
the House of Representatives, as a staff scientist, for the US
Geological Survey, as an oceanographer, and for the GeoMarine Research
Institution (GEOMAR) in Kiel, Germany, as an Arctic researcher.  Her PhD
is from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution joint program in Oceanography and
Oceanographic Engineering and she has BA with high honors in Geology
from Colgate University.
Caitlin J. Clapp
Office of the Provost
Dartmouth College
6004 Parkhurst Hall, Room 111
Hanover, NH  03755
Tel: (603) 646-2404
Email:  [log in to unmask]

* GWISE Networking Lunch *

GWISE Networking Lunch

Join Melody Brown Burkins and Professor Mary Albert as they discuss the
importance of women networking and offer helpful tips over lunch. Please
note: we are starting at 11:45 am. Lunch provided.


Mary Albert

Professor of Engineering
Executive Director, U.S. Ice Drilling Program Office
Professor of Environmental Studies

Associate Director, Programs & Research, John Sloan Dickey Center for
International Understanding
Chair, US National Committee to the International Union of Geological
Member, Board on International Scientific Organizations, National
Dr. Melody Brown Burkins (GR '98) is the Associate Director for Programs
and Research in the John Sloan Dickey Center for International
Understanding and Adjunct Professor in the Environmental Studies Program
at Dartmouth College. With over twenty years of experience in both
academia and government, she is an advocate for policy-engaged
scholarship across disciplines, international education and partnerships,
creating new opportunities for academics and professionals in science
policy and diplomacy, and the support of global initiatives investing in
earth systems sustainability, civic engagement, and gender equality.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017
11:45am - 1:00pm
Location: tab

* Montgomery Fellow lunch with upcoming writer *

Come enjoy lunch at the Montgomery House with a new up and coming writer,
Edouard Louis.



Édouard Louis, born Eddy Bellegueule[1] was born and raised in the town
of Hallencourt in the North of France, which is the setting of his first
novel En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule.

Louis grew-up in a poor family supported by government welfare: his
father was an unemployed factory worker and his mother found occasional
work bathing the elderly.[3] The poverty, racism and alcoholism which
confronted him during his childhood would become the subject of his
literary work.[4]

He is the first in his family to attend university, and in 2011 he was
admitted to École Normale Supérieure in Paris.[5] In 2013, he
officially changed his name to Édouard Louis.[6]

The same year, he edited the collective work, Pierre Bour- dieu.
L'insoumission en héritage, which analyses the influ- ence of Pierre
Bourdieu on critical thinking and political emancipation.[7]

In 2014 he published En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule, an autobiographical
novel. The book was the subject of extensive media attention and was
hailed for its literary merit and compelling story. The book also gave
rise to de- bate and controversy over the perception of the working
class.[8] It was a bestseller in France and has been trans- lated to
over 20 languages.[9][10]

In September of 2015, Edouard Louis penned a Man- ifesto for an
Intellectual and Political Counteroffensive alongside philosopher
Geoffroy de Lagasnerie.[11] In the letter, which ran on the front page
of Le Monde, and was later reprinted in English by the Los Angeles
Review of Books, Louis and Lagasnerie denounce the legitimization of
right-wing agendas in public discourse and establish principals by which
leftist intellectuals should reengage in public debate.[12] [13]

In 2016, Louis published his second novel, History of Vio- lence.[14] In
recounting the story of his rape and attempted murder on Christmas Eve
of 2012, the autobiographical novel centers around the cyclical and
self-perpetuating nature of violence in society.[15][16]

2 Style and Influences

The work of Édouard Louis maintains a fine link with sociology: the
presence of Pierre Bourdieu pervades his novels which invoke the themes
of social exclusion, domination, and poverty.[17] The influence of
William Faulkner is also revealed through Louis’ superposition in the
same sentence of various levels of language – placing the popular
vernacular at the heart of his writing.[18] Fur- thermore, Louis’ novel
Histoire de la Violence contains an essay on Faulker’s novel Sanctuary.
The author says that by working languages, he wants to use violence as a
lit- erary subject, “I want to make violence a literary space, like
Marguerite Duras made a literary space of madness or as Claude Simon
made war into a literary space.”[19]

The greatest contemporary influence on Louis comes from French
sociologist Didier Eribon, whose book “Returning to Reims” Louis says, “marked
a turning point for his future as a writer.”[20]

3 Works 3.1 Novels

    En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule. Le Seuil. 2014. ISBN 9782021117707.

    Histoire de la violence. Le Seuil. 2016. ISBN 2021177785.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Graduate Studies

* Lunch with PhD/MBA alum, Brad Demay *

Join Grad Alum (MCB)  Brad Demay for lunch to hear about a career in
consulting and his experience on going to Tuck after finishing his PhD.


Brad DeMay, PhD, is a Director at The Beacon Group (consulting). After
graduating with his PhD from Dartmouth, Brad continued on to earn his
MBA at the Tuck School.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Graduate Studies


* Subscription Details *

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