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Fri, 6 Jan 2017 22:49:10 +0000
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Dartmouth's Student Center for Research, Writing, and Information Technology (RWIT) opens for winter term this Sunday (1/8)! Our hours are 2pm-10pm, Sunday and 4pm-10pm, Monday-Thursday.

What is RWIT?

RWIT provides free peer tutoring that will help you communicate your ideas more effectively. Whether you're brainstorming for a research project, writing a paper, designing a multimedia presentation, or doing any other kind of composition, RWIT can help!

Find out more about RWIT at<>.

How do I use RWIT?

You can make appointments online at<> or drop by the center in Berry 183 (near the hallway between the stacks and KAF). We prefer appointments, but we always welcome walk-ins!

Writing a senior thesis?

RWIT offers one-on-one thesis tutoring on a limited basis. If you are interested in thesis tutoring, send an email to RWIT's Director (Nick Van Kley<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) that includes:

  1.  A brief description of your project
  2.  How your project will benefit from a thesis tutor

Want to work for RWIT?

This winter and spring, RWIT is seeking to hire proficient, enthusiastic writers to serve as tutors and writing assistants. Accepted students can expect to start work during the 2017-18 academic year. We encourage 18s, 19s, AND 20s from ALL MAJORS to apply. The hiring information session will be held on 1/18 Wednesday at 6pm.

If you have any questions/comments/concerns, please contact us at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

- The RWIT staff