--- Forwarded Message from Andrzej Styrcz <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Date:         Fri, 22 Oct 1999 01:29:12 -0400
>From: Andrzej Styrcz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Re: #5252.7 Real Audio software availability conditions (!)
>To: [log in to unmask]

Dear Mr Bush,

Yes, indeed. The full version of Divace (Duo for a laboratory environment
and Solo for stand-alone positions)does play back RealMedia files
(*.ra,*.rm,*.ram,*.rmm,*.swf,*.smi). On top of that Divace plays back the
following file formats:
.avi (Microsoft video format)   .mpa (MPEG audio file)
.mov (QuickTime for Windows movie)  .mp2 (MPEG audio layer 2)
.wav (Microsoft Wave)    .mpe (MPEG animation)
.snd (NeXT/Sun audio)    .mpeg (MPEG animation)
.aif (Macintosh Audio Interchange)  .mp3 (MPEG audio layer 3)
.au (NeXT/Sun audio)    .m3u (MIME audio)
.asx (video file)    .aifc (as .aif, but
.aiff (Macintosh Audio Interchange)  .mid (MIDI music)
.rmi (MIDI music)    .qt (QuickTime file)

Please note that Divace is not a streamer application, but a client, which
plays back the RealMedia streams.

The reason why the downloadable Player version does not support RealMedia
file formats is purely commercial and would require another 3,5 MB for

Best regards,

Andrzej Styrcz
Marketing Manager
Teleste Educational Ltd.  tel.+358 2 2166569
Kaurakatu 46    fax.+358 2 2166527
20741 Turku    e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Finland     http://edu.teleste.fi