Mallards and 2 Black Ducks at Kendall Station Rd.


Ok  so I just came back from Florida.  There for 7 days.  Visiting my Mom
and her husband (96).


Amazing weather.  Birded all  the time (so to speak), and went to 3 great
places.  Wastewater treatment facility (3x), coastal SP, and an inland river
preserve (2x) with a unique Longleaf Pine forest.


92 species.  2 firsts:  Bachman's Sparrow (~30) and Red-cockaded Woodpecker
(no less than 4).  I was on site at 6:45. hour drive with 30 minute walk in,
into the Longleaf Forest.

RcWo both along with Brown Nuthatches were nesting in the vicinity.


Heron family is everywhere.   Vultures abound.   



Florida Birding Feb. 22-28th 2018

_ Pied-billed Grebe    20

_ Brown Pelican                  60

_ Double-crested Cormorant  ~80

_ Anhinga                 20

   Magnificent Frigatebird                16

_ Great Blue Heron lots

_ Great Egret             lots

_ Snowy Egret                      "

_ Little Blue Heron   "    white phase too

_ Tricolored Heron   lots

_ Cattle Egret            lots

_ Green Heron         6

_ Black-crowned Night-Heron       1

_ White Ibis  lots

_ Glossy Ibis             lots

_ Roseate Spoonbill            30  (Blue Cypress)

_ Wood Stork                  20

    Virginia Rail              1

   Northern Bobwhite           1

   Wild Turkey        A12


_ Black Vulture                     lots

_ Turkey Vulture                  lots

_ Mottled Duck                     10

_ Blue-winged Teal 400

_ Northern Shoveler            24

_ Green-winged Teal          42

_ Ring-necked Duck           40

   Ruddy Duck                       3

_ Hooded Merganser          20

_ Red-breasted Merganser            6

_ Osprey        lots

_ Bald Eagle             2

_ Northern Harrier    1

_ Red-shouldered Hawk                1

_ American Kestrel  16

  Peregrine Falcon               1

_ Common Gallinule           40

_ American Coot                  600

_ Limpkin                   2


_ Sandhill Crane                 4

_ Black-bellied Plover                     1

_ Killdeer                               8

_ Willet                                   16

_ Ruddy Turnstone             22

_ Sanderling             10

_ Wilson's Snipe                  5

_ Laughing Gull                   10

_ Ring-billed Gull     lots

_ Herring Gull                       a few

  Lesser Black-backed Gull     1

   Greater Black-backed Gull     1 

_ Royal Tern             16

_ Black Skimmer                  180

_ Rock Dove 

_ Eurasian Collared-Dove 

   Mourning Dove                 some

   Belted Kingfisher

  ** Red-cockaded Woodpecker   4 (first)

   Red-bellied Woodpecker   8

   Downy Woodpecker                     1

  Great-crested Flycatcher 1

   Blue Jay

   Brown-headed Nuthatch             3

_ Fish Crow              lots

_ Tree Swallow                     12

_ _ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher             1

_ Gray Catbird                                  8

_ Northern Mockingbird                  everywhere

  Brown Thrasher                 1

  Eastern Meadowlark                     1

_ European Starling 

_ Yellow-rumped Warbler    lots

_ Palm Warbler                                 lots

   Orange-crowned Warbler                        1

_ Common Yellowthroat                 16

_ Eastern Towhee               2

_ Savannah Sparrow          4

** Bachman's Sparrow        30.(a first !)

   Northern Cardinal

   Red-winged Blackbird   lots

_ Eastern Meadowlark                    2

_ Common Grackle              6

_ Boat-tailed Grackle                       lots

   House Sparrow 






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