Walked Boston Lot Lake this AM with the dog. His impatience meant minimal stopping but notable sightings/sounds included the least flycatchers that enjoy the lakefront, some chestnut sided warblers, northern parula, ovenbird, black thr green, red-eyed vireo, a pair of ravens, and a spectacular pair of pileated woodpeckers foraging at the base of a tree. Hard to get tired of seeing pileateds.

In the PM I headed to Goose Pond Road and hiked to the beaver pond about 500m down the AT in hopes of catching up with the local residents. I did see at least 4 of the beavers, including one youngling no larger than an American Red Squirrel. The highlights by far, however, were the flyover of an American Bittern and spectacular looks at a Nashville Warbler, a first for me.

Finally, guessing most have had the chance to see, but the chimney swifts are back!

Peter Geithner

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