Office of Sponsored Projects Round Table
December 6, 2016 - 9:00-10:30 am
Occom Commons


1/ Introduction

2/ Intellectual Property:  Nila Bhakuni, Office of Technology Transfer, will present updates from TTO and an overview of TTO services.   (20 minutes)

3/ PCard and iExpense:  Patricia Spellman, Assistant Vice President for Finance>  Join us for an interactive discussion on procurement processes.  Input is requested from grant managers who represent the research community.  We will discuss and clarify procedures such as preferred vendors, documentation, and other areas.  See topics below*   (30 minutes)

4/Other Updates (15 minutes)
Effort Reporting    Aarron Clough.   Update on FY16 effort reporting process

Upcoming Webinars   Jody Patten

Conflict of Interest Training

NIH/NSF Updates  Renee Brown

*Procurement Topics to be discussed:

1.      Overview of recent peer review and review of action plan (see attached)

2.      Input from research grant managers

a.      Procurement:

*   Are you requiring the use of preferred vendors? Are people able to find better deals through other vendors?

*   Are faculty and staff spending more time shopping for products since SciQuest was discontinued?

*   Do you feel like our procurement policies and procedures are clear? If not, where can we improve?

*   Some faculty are feeling like orders are taking too long to process when not on PCard. Why is that?

b.      Documentation:

*   Do we need to provide clearer guidance about appropriate business purpose documentation? Is there a difference between grant funded expenses and non-grant funded expenses?

*   How is the $75 receipt policy going? Are you still receiving receipts for items under $75? If so, why?

*   Are you using OnBase for PCard receipts? How is that working? Do you need more training?

*   Are you still keeping hard copies of receipts? If so, why?

c.       Expense Reports:

*   How is the transition to iExpense going? What are some of the issues you see with it?

*   Are people using the expense report Eform to send to the Finance Center?


Lori M. Lull
Office Manager
Office of Sponsored Projects | Dartmouth College
11 Rope Ferry Road, HB 6210|Hanover, NH 03755
603-646-3007 phone | 603-646-9694 fax


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