DOC folks!

Overland, a company that runs summer outdoors programs/trips for kids & teens, is visiting Robo tomorrow to begin the process of recruiting leaders from Dartmouth. Whether you've never heard of Overland, led for them before, or just like slideshows, I would recommend attending the info session tomorrow, Tuesday, October 18, at 6:00 pm in Robo 14/15. A great company! FYI '20s are eligible to work on Overland's support staff (like Hcroo) and '18s and '17s are eligible to lead trips.

~ ~ the official blurb: ~ ~

This summer join the dynamic, accomplished and charismatic group of Overland leaders who help kids see the world and all of its beauty and promise.  Overland hires exceptional college students and recent graduates to lead summer programs across the country and around the world. Our staff of nearly 200 leaders and support staff spend ten days training and six weeks leading or supporting programs throughout the summer. Small groups, carefully crafted programs and inspiring leadership have been at the heart of what we do for the past 33 years. Come learn about the hiking, biking, service, writing, language or field studies programs with OverlandLeaders describe Overland as the most challenging and satisfying leadership and work experience they have ever had.

Please contact Sarah Kravitz at if you would like to learn more or plan to attend our presentation.


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