An epic saga ensues in which one of the CnT chairs attempts to redeem himself for his inexcusable lateness in sending out this blitz. Will he ever be forgiven? No one knows.

Episode 1: 

SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY [log in to unmask]"}"> What: Smarts Mountain
When: 10am - 4pm
Why: Get your smarts on before midterms! Join us for a chill, 7-mile, moderate, snack-filled hike. Bonus fire tower on the summit!
Leaders: Dru and Doug
Cost: $5 DOC, $7 not-yet-DOC
Blitz: [log in to unmask]

Episode 2:

SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY [log in to unmask]"}"> What: Portage
When: 7am - 9pm
Why: Join in a CnT summer tradition of carrying a canoe up Mt. Washington and paddling on the Lakes of the Clouds! The hike is steep and strenuous but worthwhile -- all are encouraged to come out for this outdoor adventure!
Leaders: Dan Pomerantz and Emma Rieb
Cost: $7 DOC, $17 not-yet-DOC
Blitz: [log in to unmask]

But actually, get outside this weekend. It'll be awesome.

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