
I am trying to write a macro, and have a question. I have a document from which I want to extract all the line contents in an array of styled text. Here is what I did:

$doc_notes = Document.active

$found_num = Find '^\d+.+$', 'Ea'

$note_texts = Array.new
$selections = Array.new

if $found_num

	$selections = $doc_notes.textSelections

	foreach $index in reversed $selections
		$note_texts.appendValue $index.text

	prompt $note_texts.firstValue


The "prompt" command seems to show *all* the contents of the array, and not only the last one (it should be the last item of the array, since I did "in reversed $selections").

What should I do in order to have access to each value of the array?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regard,

Nobumi Iyanaga

P.S. This question is related to the next posting where I will explain the macro I would like to have.