>> On Jun 9, 2016, at 6:37 PM, Abdassamad Clarke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> My Nisus is now telling me I do not have permission to open files.
>> I had created a document with hyperlinks to documents I use as a kind of table of contents of my work, but now the links don’t work and there is a notice about the sandbox, but it has now extended to my trying to open those documents directly.  

> On Jun 9, 2016, at 7:19 PM, spaelti <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> starting with Nisus Writer 2.1, or so, Nisus now uses the Sandbox. This is a general security feature of Apple that restricts applications from accessing files outside of a restricted area without explicit permission. You are presumably getting this message, because you have stored the relevant files in folders outside of your Document Manager folder (which by default is the “Nisus Documents” folder).
> You can change this in one of the following ways:
> 1. Change the setting of your Document Manager folder (to the folder where you keep most of your documents).
> OR
> 2. Move the documents into the Document Manager folder (presumably “Nisus Documents”)
> OR 
> 3. Try the macro in Macro > Application > Manage Macro File Access

My experience with Sandboxing is completely different.  Perhaps it's because I'm using OS X 10.9 (Mavericks), which possibly may impose less strict security than OS X 10.11.  I find that Sandboxing only prevents me from opening documents saved in the Document Manager window before Sandboxing was implemented.  It does not prevent me from opening Nisus documents via the Open dialog in Nisus or by double-clicking them in the Finder.  It does not matter where these documents are on my hard drive.

I do not keep any documents in Nisus' Document Manager folder (called Nisus Documents) other than the Macros folder, Style Library folder, and Templates folder.

I have never used the Manage Macro File Access macro.

It would be interesting to ask on the Nisus web forum which behavior is normal.  You'll get a response from one of the Nisus programmers.
