Hey folks,
This was another great morning along Mink Brook, very pleasant weather and a nice number of birds. I had 13 warbler species, pretty much the same species as yesterday. Highlights were Solitary Sandpipers on the exposed mudflats (barely) and shoreline along the brook, a flyover Wilson's Snipe, and my FOS Swainson's Thrush, heard giving the high whine. Notable birds below.
Notables: 1) Mink Brook wetlands, 2) Quinn Trail, 3) Mink Brook preserve loopBroad-winged Hawk- 0, 0, 1Solitary Sandpiper- 4, 1, 0Wilson's Snipe- 0, 1, 0Least Flycatcher- 0, 0, 1Blue-headed Vireo- 0, 0, 2House Wren- 2, 1, 3Veery- 0, 0, 2Swainson's Thrush- 0, 0, 1Gray Catbird- 4, 3, 2Ovenbird- 1, 0, 9Louisiana Waterthrush- 1, 0, 0Black-and-white Warbler- 1, 0, 4Nashville Warbler- 0, 0, 1Common Yellowthroat- 1, 2, 6American Redstart- 2, 2, 0Northern Parula- 1, 0, 6Blackburnian Warbler- 0, 0, 1Chestnut-sided Warbler- 1, 0, 3Yellow-rumped Warbler- 0, 0, 4Yellow Warbler- 1, 1, 0Pine Warbler- 1, 0, 3Black-throated Green Warbler- 0, 0, 6Baltimore Oriole- 0, 0, 1
Cheers,Kyle KittelbergerDartmouth

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