Some great news! With some beautiful weather the past few days, UVMBA has opened most of Boston lot! A map is attached showing what's open and what's still too wet to ride.

Red = closed

Yellow = kinda soft, be gentle

From UVMBA's facebook page:

"As with most years some of the trails will need a bit more time. I've marked them in red on the attached map and they have closed signs strung across their entrances: Pathfinder, Canyon, Bear Cave, Rt 10, and White Light. Trails marked in yellow may have soft areas still. Quarry and Crafts are in the best shape."

We're doing Trail Work Tomorrow at Oak Hill from 9-noon so we can get trails opened up there as well. Until then, Oak Hill is still closed. The more that help, the more trails we can open! Sign up here<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cgi_XFoDXL5dLuP48YZmFsEeSpS8YO3JYTHuE488ieQ/edit?usp=sharing> and blitz me at [log in to unmask] if you can come.

Look out for a blitz in the coming days about trips this week!

Ride your damn bike,


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