Dear Colleagues:

Below are some changes that impact NIH grant applications.  Please contact OSP if you have questions.

NIH Updates Salary Cap

The Executive Level II salary was set at $183,300, increasing to $185,100 effective January 10, 2016.   Read full announcement<> on how to implement.

Updates on Addressing Rigor in Your NIH Applications

From NIH Office of Extramural Research:  To briefly recap, in October, NIH announced updates to the application instructions and review criteria for most research grants and individual mentored career development awards. These updates instruct applicants to address four key areas NIH deems important for enhancing rigor and transparency in research: 1) the scientific premise forming the basis of the proposed research; 2) rigorous experimental design for valid, robust, and unbiased results; 3) consideration of relevant biological variables; and 4) authentication of key biological and/or chemical resources.   Read full article.<>

Thank you.

Jill Mortali
Director, Office of Sponsored Projects
Dartmouth College
11 Rope Ferry Road
Hanover NH 0375


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