Hi Team!


With the year in a wrap and your captains finally settled into their summer schedules, we’re already starting to turn our attention to…



And we need your help to satisfy the following equation:




Suggestions for YOUR SUGGESTIONS:

1. Please complete this 10-question survey-monkey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MPWnJeInaa6oStCt3bGdr7BKOZaQmvDWyAaJuXxXgkQ/viewform?usp=send_form

2. Do it today, tomorrow, or in two weeks, but DO IT.

3. Also feel free to email the captains with feedback anytime; videos of Matt doing the worm are strongly encouraged; and I know the survey has 12 questions, but this is math, so we're rounding.


Also keep your eyes peeled for more info. to come on new positions for the fall and early fall races! (Save the weekends of 9/19 & 9/26 on your calendars now!)


SUMMER.          (…cause that still exists for over a month.)

If you’re signed up for any races, or might be interested in meeting up with other tri peeps over the summer for training/races, check out this awesome spreadsheet!


Some of your teammates will be attending the Cranberry Sprint Triathlon on Saturday 8/22/2015, near Boston. Right now there's only three, so we're planning to send just one minivan, but please let us know if you’re considering this ASAP because transportation is a silly reason not to be able to go (and why wouldn’t you consider it because who doesn’t like racing through cranberry fields forever?). Abiah’s been killing the race prep. game, so more info. from her below.


Much love,

Your Captains Kelly and Zach

From: Abiah K. Pritchard
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 1:19 PM
To: [log in to unmask][log in to unmask]; Brandt T. Slayton; Katherine P. Clayton; Fabian Stocek; Valentina Sedlacek; [log in to unmask]; Collier J. Pruner; Katherine E. Bach; Rachel L. McKee; Matthew D. Goff; Arielle S. Isaacson
Subject: Summer Triathlon

Hi tri team!

I hope everyone is having a great summer so far. We wanted to start getting people registered for triathlons that the team will be doing this summer. The main race will be the Cranberry Sprint Triathlon, which allows us to score points with NECTC (which is basically our team’s league). Since the team cannot subsidize the race, everyone should register him/herself ASAP. If you want to peruse info, the race’s website is:http://www.sunmultisportevents.com/Cranberry_Trifest.htm. The NECTC website ishttp://www.northeastctc.com/.

A few things about it: 

            -Race Date: 8/22/2015 (Saturday Morning)

            -The race is $70 dollars and requires USAT membership (you can purchase one day membership).

            -If you are on campus or would be driving from Hanover, we will coordinate             rides to the race and back

            -Race is in Lakeville, MA, about 45 minutes south of Boston and a little over 3            hours from Hanover, NH.

Here is how to register

1.    https://www.athletepath.com/cranberry-trifest/2015-08-22?code=Y2E5MTNiNTBiM2NkODNkODBmODA5NTI1MDM3NzRhOTk Click this link and click register on the right hand side. You must use this link (and not go through the race’s website) to get $15 off and pay the $70 price!!

2.     It will ask you to make an account with Athletepath. It takes like 15 seconds.

3.     When selecting race, **select sprint, individual**. This is the race that allows athletes to qualify for Collegiate Nationals next Spring. If you try to do Olympic, you won’t be racing on the same day as the rest of the team.

4.     Under the “Athlete” section, make sure you do a few things in order to officially race with the team. For “Club/Team Name”, write Dartmouth Triathlon Team. For “Tell us the name of your Tri team…”, write Dartmouth Triathlon Team. For “Race Category”, select Collegiate.

5.     You must have some type of USAT Membership to register for the race. You can either purchase a One Day Pass ($12), or a Year Pass ($45). If you think you’ll do 3+ races within a year (not by December, but within a year), maybe buy the bigger pass.


Please email me when/if you have registered so we have a head count on who will be there, if you are coming from the Hanover area, and if you have any questions!


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