Happy to greet you back, Kino.


On 03.06.2015, at 19.58, Kino <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hello Bob and others

On 2015-04-27 [+0900 JST], at 8:55 AM, Bob Stern wrote:

I have not seen Kino here or on the web forum since late 2012, but [...]

Sorry for my long silence. Around 2012, I had been very busy in elaborating my Japanese translation of Avicenna's De Anima (published in october 2012), then I was and am terribly busy in editing the Complete Works (in Japanese) of Toshihiko Izutsu, "le cιlθbre islamologue japonais" as J. Derrida said.

In all those works, I have been and am using NWP for creating indices with macros written specially for that purpose. I'm very, very grateful Nisus people for having produced such a wonderful application.
