Rattlesnakes are emerging! I had between 15 & 20 yesterday, a couple of young-of-the-year, but mostly big snakes and mostly around the main den. I did have one male on the move—between the ledge and the upper talus, just south of the den—and I followed him for several under yards, which took about half an hour, until he disappeared into a rock tent. He had done this several times along the way, but always emerged through a carpet of leaves ten or so feet away. This time he stayed put. Then, on the way back to the den, I encountered another snake that was headed south on the precise trail the first one took.

The biggest surprise was the reconfiguration of the rocks on the very north edge of the talus. I chunk of ledge split off over the winter taking out full grown hackberries and red oaks, rearranging the rock slide, and flattening a copse or two of elderberry, which had been preferred transitory rattlesnake hangouts. Although I did not stay long in this zone, I did see four snakes. And I found a lot of sharp-edged, freshly broken rocks, some big ones, and lots of sharp rock chips. What a sight this must have been when the ledge calved!


PS Also seen, one black rat snake, one garter, and two water snakes, plus one peregrine, lots of ravens and geese. Dutchman's breeches are in peak bloom, as was rock and yellow saxifrage. Black birch in catkin, elderberry flowers & leaves tiny. Everything looks to be a week to ten days later than the previous few years. I did hear black and white warblers and blue-headed vireos, but that was it for northbound birds.

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