Today I revisited Mink Brook Nature Preserve and the River Trail in Hanover. The birds were very similar to the ones I encountered here yesterday. This includes the pair of shovelers, which were right where they were yesterday, working the mudflats below Ledyard Bridge.

As was the case yesterday, lots of waterfowl were drawn to the mudflats exposed by low water in the Connecticut, even with the outlet of Mink Brook. I picked out an interesting goose from among the obvious Canadas here, and I’m wondering if it is a Cackling Goose. It was noticeably smaller than its companions, and it appeared shorter-necked and smaller-billed than a typical Canada, but perhaps not as strikingly short-necked and small-billed as I would expect a Cackling to be. I also noticed that this bird had more of a grayish cast to its body feathers than the browner tones in the Canadas nearby. I got some photos, which can be seen at <>. I'm not sure what to make of this bird. Thoughts are welcome.

Adam Burnett
Dartmouth College
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