Are you talking WebDirect (FileMaker's technology to take your FMP layouts and render them more or less faithfully on the web) or Custom Web Publishing (FileMaker's set of PHP classes to provide web access to FileMaker data via custom web pages you've created)?

* For WebDirect, you get 1 connection that you can use with WebDirect or FileMaker Go.
* For CWP, you get 200+ connections that you can use with PHP.

The tradeoff is all about time. If you have to build a FileMaker system anyway, or if you have proficient FileMaker Pro design skills, it will be quicker to use WebDirect to make the FileMaker Pro data available to the web. For many customers the licensing cost is less than the development cost they'd need to pay for a CWP site, and they'll get it faster as well.

If you're only looking for a database to back a PHP site, and aren't interested in the benefits of using FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Go, you're better off using something like a LAMP stack.


On Mar 16, 2015, at 12:19 PM, Andrew Brown <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Thanks, Cornelius, but I'm still rather in the dark.
> If I purchase FM Server 13 with 1 concurrent connection and use it to fuel some pages of a site, how many people will be able to consult those pages before FM shuts them out?