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Standard WFR price is $900 at SOLO. We are holding a course here at Dartmouth over interim (provided interest is high enough), March 23-29 for an estimated price of $400(assuming interest is high enough). This is the best deal you'll get for a WFR course and if you're at all interested, this would be a great opportunity to get an amazing deal!

Subsidies and Financial Aid

-$125 off base price for being a B&B leader or leader in training.

-A minimum of $60 off base price for being a C&T leader or leader in training (potentially up to $100 or $150).

-Anyone can apply to DOC's adventure fund (Schlitz) for money. A request for WFR subsidy has great chances at getting money.

-If you are a DOC member on financial aid, you'll receive 30, 50, or 70% off the final price after subsidies (if you're on financial aid but not a DOC member, it would be worth becoming one for this deal).

*Note that you must figure out food and lodging on your own!*

If interest is greater than expected, the base price may come down a bit. If much less than expected, it may rise.

If you're interested, please fill out the document below!!


--Logan Briggs