Thank you for your reply, and indeed this the case. 

I am trying to resurrect a solution that worked, albeit not optimally, several years ago. ( The Windows movies were not as appealing as the mac’s)

I made use of the function moviemac/moviewin. There are or were slight differences in the file locations syntax for the Mac and Windows operations, so I had to test for this before using this function.

The moviemac still works great, but I can’t seem to get moviewin to work anymore. :-(

I have a calculation field using the following calculation with a container result.

Case ( Get ( SystemPlatform )   < 0 ; 
 moviewin:/driveletter:/directoryName/fileName"  ;
 moviemac:/volumeName/directoryName/fileName”  )
See Creating File Paths

I’m using mp4s. The windows machine, (my mac using bootcamp), can play the files, and has Quicktime installed.

The greater than 2 results, IOS and Webbrowser,  are not important at this time. So it tests for Windows (negative) and defaults to Mac (1), otherwise.

I’ve try every syntax combination I can think of, but on windows it claims it can’t find the file. Using a Mac works fine.

Does anyone have any experience with this? 

Al Jeffrey
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On Jan 26, 2015, at 7:23 PM, Jonathan Fletcher <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

On Jan 26, 2015, at 7:54 PM, Al Jeffrey <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

For example: If[get(Systemplatform)<0; Do windows;do Mac]

If run on a windows machine the above is fine, (I presume).
What does get(Systemplatform) return, (greater or less than 0), on a Mac run with Bootcamp?


Get ( SystemPlatform ) refers to the OS that your FMP is running in, only. Neither bootcamp nor hardware make any difference.

Also, if there is any chance that you may be running the solution in WebDirect or in iOS, be sure to trap for those, too.

1 if the current platform is Intel-based Macs

-2 if the platform is Windows

3 if the platform is iOS

4 if the platform is FileMaker WebDirect


Jonathan Fletcher
FileMaker Certified Developer (9 thru 13)
FileMaker Business Alliance

Fletcher Data Consulting, LLC
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