Dear colleagues,

Registration is open for the course "INTRODUCTION TO GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRICS- 6 th edition".

INSTRUCTORS: Prof. Chris Klingenberg (University of Manchester, UK) and Dr. Jesús  Marugán (UAM, Spain).

Dates and Place: July 27-31, 2014. This time the course will be held at the beautiful rural house "Can Julià"  ( , in Barcelona province  (Spain), with option to stay there during the course (all-inclusive option).

Organized by: Transmitting Science and the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel  Crusafont.

More information and registration:   or  writing to [log in to unmask]

This course is entitled to teach the main concepts of shape analysis based on  landmark coordinates and its multivariate procedures, and how they can be put
into practice across any biological discipline in which the phenotype (form) and  its variation are the principal sources of information.

1. Introduction: Shape, size and biological morphology.

2. Morphometric data: Equipment, landmarks, outlines and surfaces. 

3. Visualizing shapes and shape changes.

4. Looking at variation: PCA.

5. Distinguishing groups: CVA and discriminant analysis.

6. Symmetry and asymmetry.

7. Morphometrics in a messy world: outliers and measurement error.

8. Regression and allometry.

9. Covariation between things: PLS.

10. Morphological integration.

11. Modularity.

12. Phylogeny and comparative methods.

13. Putting things together: Combining analyses to solve biological questions.

14. Presentation of group work by participants.

Please feel free to distribute this information between your colleagues if you  consider it appropriate.

With best regards

Soledad De Esteban Trivigno, PhD.
Course Director
Transmitting Science