Although almost everything is dry now, the muddy freeze thaws in November typically make a mess out on the trails. We’ve got a number of spots that we’d like to armor prior to the late fall weather and also to prepare for our very usual muddy springtime. We have lots of wood at the trailhead for specific areas and rock work in mind for other areas. If you are a trail user and can find time to help we would appreciate any amount of assistance. If you don’t have time, feel free to donate to the UVMBA because money is good too. If you’ve got time and money you are very fortunate and should definitely help out. 

We had one day this spring where more than 20 people showed up but we had work for another 20 so never fear that you won’t have something to do. Many hands make light work. We usually finish by having something to eat and a few post beverages too so it is a pretty good time. We might even arrange a barbecue or something for the afternoon. 

The meet up will be at the parking lot near Mechanic Street in Lebanon.  We have big Kiosk up at that trailhead now which will start to have great information posted on it (including maps).   Bring your typical stuff that you would need for a work day. Please let us know if you have any questions.  It is a family friendly event and there are typically a handful of kids moving rocks or exploring the woods.

Here is the website:

Right now the weather looks perfect!  I hope to see you there!

UVMBA Trail Crew