Hi everyone,

First of all, a HUGE thank you to the folks who braved the cold and damp
weather to play at Hanover Terrace on Saturday.  A small, yet hearty crew,
and the audience loved it!  The goodies afterwards weren't too bad, either!

At tonight's rehearsal, we will start to focus on October's concert, and
we'll spend a significant amount of time on the newer selections.  We'll
also start reviewing the pieces we know to make sure the "newbies" among us
have sufficient time to get up to speed.

Speaking of newbies, I know for sure that one new trumpet player is coming
tonight.  This person is only in the area until November, so they'll play
in New London with us, but not in January.  And I think another person is
coming tonight as well.

Please remember to take the time to welcome these new folks - introduce
yourselves and help them feel comfortable.  Joining a group where the
culture is well-established can be daunting...

See you tonight!
