1. All trips are free!
-     we have helmets(fill it out on the doc)
-     bring food/water
-     all trips meet behind robinson hall on the back steps (if you don't see you leader right away, they are         probably getting bikes out of our storage space)
-        please remove your name from the doc if you can't go on the trip

2. google doc for signups https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqnwK0LUfI4WdExUd1pVQzI0UzVYTXhBSXR1UnB5OFE&usp=drive_web#gid=0?

3. Brews and Bikes meeting this WEDNESDAY at 8:00PM in the barement of Robo! We will be cranking on bikes and watching some sweet bike videos.

4. If you are interested in becoming a leader, email Lorin Paley

ride your damn bike
