VCE's first 2014 foray to our long-term study site on the Mt. Mansfield 
ridgeline was a noteworthy one. This marks our 23rd consecutive year of 
monitoring the breeding birds there.  We were all eager, and a bit 
anxious, to know whether any of the 19 Blackpoll Warblers fitted with 
light-level geolocators last summer had returned, and would yield the 
precious information contained in those miniature backpacks.

Weather was cool, dry and calm, so we set up 19 mist nets on Wednesday 
evening.  We immediately caught a slug of unbanded Swainson's Thrushes 
(SWTH), which appear to have been creeping upslope over the past 2-3 
years.  Our first Bicknell's Thrush (BITH) was a male we had banded as a 
yearling last June.  This was followed by another male with a very worn 
band, which our records show had been placed on 12 June 2007, when the 
bird was then at least 2 years old, meaning it was hatched in 2005 or 
earlier! Although that doesn't set a new longevity record for the 
species (that distinction belongs to an 11 year-old male from Stratton 
Mountain), it is the third 10 year-old bird we've now documented on 
Mansfield.  Although this individual has undoubtedly been present on the 
ridgeline in every summer since our original 2007 capture, we'd 
mist-netted it only a total  of 6 times previously: twice in 2007, once 
in each of 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

As dusk was descending, we hit Blackpoll pay dirt, with the Amherst 
Trail recapture of #2110-80395, still sporting his 0.9-gram geolocator 
and looking none the worse for wear!  Even more remarkable, this is one 
of the oldest Blackpolls on record - we banded him on 24 June 2009, and 
he's now _>_ 6 years old.  We've caught him in every summer since, and 5 
times last year!  We dutifully removed his geolocator (wondering whether 
he sighed in relief or would miss his studly adornment), and we'll 
download the data inside soon.  Whatever we learn about where the bird 
overwintered, what route(s) he followed, when he departed, and how long 
he spent in transit, it is nothing short of astonishing that this 
11-gram bird has successfully negotiated round-trip flights between 
Mansfield and northern South America at least 6 times!

While we didn't recapture any other geolocatored Blackpolls before 
wrapping up at noon yesterday, Steve Faccio was quite certain he saw a 
banded bird with a small stalk protruding above its back feathers.  
We'll be back on the mountain weekly through late July, so we're very 
hopeful of additional recoveries.

Overall, we mist-netted 46 individuals of 8 species.  These included 9 
BITH (4 new, 5 returns from previous years), 7 SWTH (6 new, 1 return), 3 
American Robins (2 new, 1 return female from 2013), 10 Yellow-rumped 
Warblers (9 new, 1 return male from 2013), 6 Blackpolls (3 new males, 2 
new females, and our returning hero), 7 White-throated Sparrows (4 new, 
3 returns that included a male from 2009), 2 new Yellow-belled 
Flycatchers (another species thatmay be mobing upslope), and a single 
Black-capped Chickadee.

Outside the nets, our ridgeline bird list was a respectable 18 species.  
The biggest surprise by far was an energetically singing towhee, the 
first we've ever had up there in 23 years!

Turkey Vulture  1
Chimney Swift  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  2     singing
Blue-headed Vireo  1     singing
Blue Jay  2
Common Raven  1
Red-breasted Nuthatch  1
Winter Wren  2     singing
Bicknell's Thrush  15     singing and calling; 9 mist-netted
Swainson's Thrush  4
American Robin  6     3 pairs; 2 nests found
Magnolia Warbler  1
Blackpoll Warbler  15     singing males
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)  10     8 singing males
Eastern Towhee  1     singing male moving about on ridgeline for 30 minutes; a first!
White-throated Sparrow  7     singing males
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)  6     4 singing males
Purple Finch  1     singing

View this checklist online at

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (

Stay tuned for more news after next week's trip.


Chris Rimmer
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
P.O. Box 420
Norwich, VT 05055
802-649-1431 ext. 1

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