Hey Walter,

Oops.  I left in the 'as alias' coercion from the Mavericks version.  Here's the correct version.

on makeAliasList(_list)
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with i in _list
			set contents of i to (i as alias)
		end repeat
		return _list
	end tell
end makeAliasList

tell application "Finder"
	set _target to target of front window as alias
	set fileList to (files of _target whose name extension is "dmg")
end tell



It's a trifle faster with the conversion code directly in the script rather than in a handler.


tell application "Finder"
	set _target to target of front window as alias
	set fileList to (files of _target whose name extension is "dmg")
	repeat with i in fileList
		set contents of i to (i as alias)
	end repeat
	return fileList
end tell


Best Regards,