Hey everyone,

I spent several hours this morning, from around 8am till 11:40am, driving around and hitting a number of locations to see what ducks I could find. Nothing exciting in terms of waterfowl, though the Snow Goose was still present with the Canada Geese at Woodstock. I did have good birds though:  
- This morning while I was at Kilowatt I saw a juvenile Iceland Gull. I was about to leave when I noticed this gull flying towards me. I initially thought it was a Ring-billed, since that's all I've been seeing here. Then the gull banked to the left and I got a good look at the body of the bird, especially the tops of its wings which were pretty pale, more of a grayish/yellowish white. In addition, the rest of the gull's body was also uniformly pale- I saw no signs of dark wing tips or other features. I unfortunately did not get a good look at the bill, as the head was angled away from me once it banked. The pale wings and rest of the body though were very distinctive. I searched for the bird below the dam but could not relocate it, so I imagine it continued flying down the river.
- At Kendall I spotted a Greater Yellowlegs and a Dunlin foraging on the mudflat in the river. 

An enjoyable morning with several good birds. I might head back out this evening to see if I can locate any more shorebirds. Below is the list of waterfowl and other highlights I had at each of the locations I stopped at this morning, in chronological order.

Kyle Kittelberger

Ledyard Bridge: 8:00am
- Canada Goose- 5 (on the way back to campus I noticed this number had increased to 30 or so birds)
- Mallard- 64
- Hooded Merganser- 9
- Ring-billed Gull- 1
- Belted Kingfisher- 1

Kilowatt: 8:30am
- Mallard- 16
- Wood Duck- 2
- Hooded Merganser- 8
- Pied-billed Grebe- 1
- ICELAND GULL- 1 juvenile

Pinneo: 9:40am
- Canada Goose- 1 maybe of the Lesser ssp., seemed a little small
- Hooded Merganser- 52
- Common Merganser- 7

Woodstock: 10:00am
- Snow Goose- 1
- Canada Goose- 304
- Mallard- 16
- Common Merganser- 1

Kendall, river flats: 11:20am
- Canada Goose- 56
- Mallard- 35
- Hooded Merganser- 5
- Bald Eagle- 1 adult
- Greater Yellowlegs- 1
- Dunlin- 1