Hey everyone, 

I had a few hours to kill this afternoon so I went over to Lake Runnemede to see what I could find with the good weather. The best bird was an adult RED-EYED VIREO. I found it foraging silently in brushy vegetation with a mixed flock of sparrows, seen on the left side of the trail when one first reaches the field. It was skulking but did show itself very well several times, and I was able to put the scope on it too. Other highlights included a Blue-headed Vireo, hearing the song of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrushes, White-crowned Sparrows, and the Northern Shrike, continuing from this weekend (I was hoping to get some good digiscoped pics, but I only saw the bird once when it flew over me and then perched on a distant tree; other people were on the trail and probably prevented the bird from remaining in one location). 

Hopefully the weather will remain clear and provide for some more good birding opportunities. Below is my list for this afternoon at Runnemede. 

Kyle Kittelberger


Lake Runnemede / Evarts Pond - (62 acres) - Paradise Park

Traveling, 2 miles: 10/21/13
120 Minutes
Observers: 1
All birds reported? Yes
Submitted from BirdLog NA for iOS, version 1.6.2

176 Canada Goose
4 Wood Duck
18 American Black Duck
1 Great Blue Heron
2 Northern Flicker
1 Pileated Woodpecker
1 Northern Shrike -- Continuing bird, seen flying and perched from a distance
1 Blue-headed Vireo -- First year bird
1 Red-eyed Vireo -- Silent adult bird seen foraging with various sparrow species in brushy vegetation near the lake. Late for this species
8 Blue Jay
30 American Crow
8 Black-capped Chickadee
3 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
8 Hermit Thrush
40 American Robin
1 European Starling
4 Cedar Waxwing
20 Yellow-rumped Warbler
120 Song Sparrow
30 Swamp Sparrow
50 White-throated Sparrow
5 White-crowned Sparrow -- Immature birds
2 Northern Cardinal
60 Red-winged Blackbird
2 American Goldfinch