Time.  Arrrg.


Spent  a full hour at Campbell Flats this am.  Bushes were hopping. Started
at the west end, end up at the watercourse.


"They" have the perimeter of the corn filed, makes easier access to see the
edge from a distance.


18 species, lots of sparrows.  Birds seemed to be everywhere.


2 No Flickers.feeding on the ground at the edge.

1 Ea Phoebe

1 He thrush

1 Gray Catb

1 Y-b Sapsucker

2 large Accipiters, heavy fog. I am guessing 2 imm. Goshawks.  Please
correct me (by seeing them).


2 Ruby-cr Kinglets  ("chid-it"...call notes)

2 Co Yellowthroats

1 Yell-rummped

1 Belted Kingf.

36 Song Sparrows

34 White-throats

10 White-crowns

16 Swamps

2 Lincoln's

2 Savannah


1 Am Robin

Lots of Am Crows.corn. 






Bill Shepard        


Project Coordinator

CT River Birding Trail

2360 Academy Road

Thetford Center, VT  05075


Home: 802 785-2855