Hi Cecelia

the coyote might just be shedding. I was more concerned with the possibility of rabies, since it has been found in Norwich.  This just went to UV Birders.

Cynthia Crawford

Creature Kinships and Natural Affinities
Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints
Photos: http://pbase.com/creaturekinships
BLOG: http://creature-kinships.blogspot.com/

On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 7:58 PM, Cecelia Blair <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Perhaps the coyote has some mange..but I hope to caution everyone to be careful to whom you pass on information about locations for the most aggressively hunted animals, such as coyotes and bear. The keenest predators and largest wild animals seem to be the greatest attraction for hunters.

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On Oct 5, 2013, at 9:17 PM, "cynthia crawford" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

A few random sightings today:

at home:, a Carolina Wren- not seen here before that we know of.  (Tigertown Rd. Norwich-wooded area)
Bragg Hill Norwich:- Beautiful male Kestrel, lot of elusive sparrows.

Note: OT- have been seeing a small scraggly coyote in a field  near the McLaughry's long drive for 3 days now.  Gotta wonder why it is alone, in the same place, and out in daylight. Must be good hunting. Perhaps a heads up, in case it might be ill.  At first I thought it was a gray fox at a great distance, but closer it looks much bigger and less delicate.

Kendall Station: 10+ White-throated Sparrows, a few White-crowns, Songs
Campbell Flats:
3 Juncos
Many Yellow-rumps, a few Palm Warblers
1 Savannnah in the corn field
More white-throats , songs in the woods near corn field
Flocks of Canada Geese honking over
1 American Pipit !
Lots of Angus cows, one sauntering down the road!

Along Rt. 14, in the White River: TWO IMMATURE BALD EAGLES!  A few weeks earlier I saw a mature adult in the same spot. New Family??

Cynthia Crawford

Creature Kinships and Natural Affinities
Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints
Photos: http://pbase.com/creaturekinships
BLOG: http://creature-kinships.blogspot.com/