A few random sightings today:

at home:, a Carolina Wren- not seen here before that we know of.
(Tigertown Rd. Norwich-wooded area)
Bragg Hill Norwich:- Beautiful male Kestrel, lot of elusive sparrows.

Note: OT- have been seeing a small scraggly coyote in a field  near the
McLaughry's long drive for 3 days now.  Gotta wonder why it is alone, in
the same place, and out in daylight. Must be good hunting. Perhaps a heads
up, in case it might be ill.  At first I thought it was a gray fox at a
great distance, but closer it looks much bigger and less delicate.

Kendall Station: 10+ White-throated Sparrows, a few White-crowns, Songs
Campbell Flats:
3 Juncos
Many Yellow-rumps, a few Palm Warblers
1 Savannnah in the corn field
More white-throats , songs in the woods near corn field
Flocks of Canada Geese honking over
1 American Pipit !
Lots of Angus cows, one sauntering down the road!

Along Rt. 14, in the White River: TWO IMMATURE BALD EAGLES!  A few weeks
earlier I saw a mature adult in the same spot. New Family??

Cynthia Crawford

Creature Kinships and Natural Affinities
Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints
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