Status As Of 10/17

Please confer with OSP concerning any specific deadline or application.  The information below is subject to change. 

NIH COMMONS - NIH is working to reestablish dates for grant and contract submissions, determine how to handle missed review meetings, and reschedule dates for training and other activities that were scheduled to occur during and immediately following the period of the government shutdown.
     As of Oct 17, NIH can confirm that it will be rescheduling all October grant application submission deadlines to the November timeframe (specific dates to be announced in a future Notice). By delaying due dates that occurred both during the lapse in funding and in the week following, applicants will have access to NIH staff and the help desks as they develop their applications.
     Peer review meetings that were due to be held between October 1 and October 17 have been cancelled and are being rescheduled.
NIH expects the eRA Commons will be available for public access on Monday, October 21.
    NIH will provide additional information, including a Notice on NIH operations during a continuing resolution, as soon as it is available.

NSF FASTLANE AND RESEARCH.GOV-  No update from this morning's note that "NSF systems are now up and operational. No decision has been made regarding missed proposal deadlines or panels. Please check back at a later time for more up to date information."  The same message appears on

DOE's FedConnect - website appears to be working normally. - while this website remained open with a reduced staff during the shutdown, there no news yet on whether or when the applications submitted during the shutdown will begin to flow to the agencies.

NASA NSPIRES - The scheduled downtime for Saturday Oct 19 has been postponed and will be rescheduled. The website appears to be working normally.

NASA SHARED SERVICES - the website appears to be working normally

NOAA GrantsOnline - the website appears to be working normally



Jill M. Mortali


Office of Sponsored Projects

Dartmouth College

11 Rope Ferry Road

Hanover, NH 03755



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