Hey everyone,

For those odonate enthusiasts in the group, this afternoon, on such a terrific day, I decided to check Occom Pond and see what odes I might run into. I found a large number of meadowhawks, most of which seemed to be White-faced. I also spotted a couple Vesper Bluets on the lilypads, and what looks like a male Emerald Spreadwing, my first for NH, and a female Slender Spreadwing. A decent showing; I might check the pond again in a couple days and stay a little longer to see if I come across anything different; it would be great to run into a Darner species that isn't a Shadow, Swamp, or Canada.

I was treated though to a nice avian treat, just as I was about to leave. I noticed a flash of yellow in the bush ahead of me and, taking a closer look, realized there was a splendid male Wilson's Warbler foraging. I enjoyed watching him for some time, and also found a Red-eyed Vireo in the nearby birch trees. Besides that, not much else of interest. There was a large group of Cedar Waxwings foraging too, with adults feeding juvenile birds.

Below is the list of odonates I had; ids tentative as of now, as I quickly checked my pics.

Kyle Kittelberger

- Emerald Spreadwing- 1 male
- Slender Spreadwing- 1 female
- Vesper Bluet- 2
- Canada Darner- 1
- Emerald sp.??- 1
- White-faced Meadowhawk- lots
- Autumn Meadowhawk- 3