Hello folks,

While archiving old emails, I found this message from Bob Stern from February 19, 2012:

> I subscribe to two listserv's for lawyers who use Macs. [...] Of particular relevance to this list, when lawyers ask for advice on Mac alternatives to MS Word or WordPerfect for Windows, the attempts of myself and a few others to recommend Nisus are mostly ignored. Only Word and Pages are seriously considered.

There was a long debate recently about Nisus Writer Pro and MS Word on the MacSupportCentral list (<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/macsupportcentral/>) in the thread "Mac Microsoft Word Clone What do people like?" One list member, Randy B. Singer, is an attorney. He wrote on July 26, 2013: 

> "I am the head of a Mac user group for attorneys. Over 9,000 of them. Many of these folks would love to be using anything other than Word...but they can't. Only Word, for the Mac, has all of the advanced features that an attorney needs".

He was repeatedly asked what these features are, but he ignored the question. Now I would like to ask Bob Stern: Is there anything an attorney needs to do that NWP can't do?

The only thing I can think of is a table of authorities (TOA). 

Someone, who by the way is not a regular Nisus user, described in the Nisus forum how this can be done  <http://nisus.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=5334&hilit=authorities>.. The description is abstruse, especially for those who are not familiar with the arcane world of the legal profession or people who are not familiar with NWP. This leads to my next question:

Has anyone here created a TOA and is willing to share a template with the list, so that this myth can be convincingly refuted once and for all?
