On 2013 Jul 31, at 17:20, Charles Hartley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Background: I currently have an older MacBook Pro that will not run Mountain Lion. I have  FileMaker Pro 10.0v3. As my computer is likely approached the end of its life, I am trying to determine what software I will have to upgrade when I get a new Mac.
> Can someone give me an idea of what parts of 10.0v3 will likely not work on Mountain Lion? I mainly use it to maintain databases of middle school academic questions, but I do have it scripted to produce code for php web pages which includes several AppleScripts. These files are uploaded via Interarchy, also with scripts.
> Thanks,
> Charlie Hartley

This isn't a direct answer to your question, Charlie, but my standing advice to anyone who makes serious use of application software (like FileMaker Pro) is to just always get every upgrade a month after it comes out. By then they're up to the X.01 (bug-fix) release, and you never have to worry about keeping current, nor is there a huge shock to your system in discovering all sorts of new and different ways of doing business when you skip over 3-4 intervening versions where the changes were introduced incrementally. (To give FMI its due, it's really very good about not just wantonly switching commands from one menu to another like SOME *koff koff Microkoffft* companies are all too happy to do.)