Join George Clark as he leads a birding outing along River Rd. in Hanover and Lyme. The trip will be looking in the vicinity of the Connecticut River for summer nesting birds and their young as well as any early fall migrants.

Meet at 6:30 AM in the parking lot of the Dartmouth Printing Company at  69 Lyme Road (east side of Route 10) in Hanover, NH.  immediately adjacent to, and on the north side of, the Richmond Middle School. There we'll form carpools and go up to Wilson's Landing continuing northward along River Road in  Hanover and on into Lyme perhaps as far as Grant Brook. The group plans to be back at Dartmouth Printing around 9:30.

Bring binoculars and scopes if available. In case of steady heavy rain or thundershowers, the walk will be cancelled. 

This walk is  free and open to the public. It is jointly sponsored by he Mascoma Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon, the Hanover Conservancy, and the Upper  Valley Land Trust.
Mascoma Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon