Good to see Ted, Becky and Kathy out this am in the slightly in climate wx.  But a fine day to be out.


42 species (out for 1.5 hours)


12 warblers: Blue-winged, Nashville, Magnolia, Blackburnian, B&W, Yellow, C-sided, Pine, Am. Redstart, Ovenb, Co Yellowthr, No Parula.


EaPhoebe, Alder, Willow, Least Flyc. And Ea Wood Peewee (foy).


Indigo Bunting, Purple Finch (pair), orioles, rb grosbeaks, sc tanagers, re vireo.


Song, wh-thr, and swamp sparrows.


Glorious gray catbirds.


1 wood thrush, many veerys, pileated wo, downy and rb sapsucker. White-b nuthatch.


And 1  common Ringlet.








Bill Shepard       


Project Coordinator

CT River Birding Trail

2360 Academy Road

Thetford Center, VT  05075


Home: 802 785-2855