From: "Williams, Lawrence" <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>

Subject: CALICO Monograph Series 2014
Date: April 24, 2013 8:09:23 AM CDT
To: "[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>" <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>

Call for Papers
CALICO Monograph Series 2014

Digital literacies in foreign language education: Research, perspectives, and best practices

Janel Pettes Guikema, Grand Valley State University, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Lawrence Williams, University of North Texas, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

This volume on digital literacies aims to provide CALL/SLA scholars and foreign language teachers with a focused set of policy/position pieces and empirical studies that reflect current thinking on digital literacy/literacies from multiple perspectives (i.e., different methodological traditions and analytical frameworks) and offer recommendations for best practices in the classroom. Given the many changes in thinking and practice that have evolved over the past two decades, it now seems vital to (re)examine policies, practices, theories, and beliefs about digital literacy/literacies in foreign language education.

Topics, methods, and frameworks could include (but not be limited to) the following:
--Administrative and educational policies related to digital literacy/litercies in K-12/higher education
--Analysis of learning materials and tools that promote digital literacy/literacies
--Case studies or survey research focusing on the development of digital literacy/literacies
--Digital literacy/literacies and teacher preparation/certification
--Digital literacy/literacies and proficiency
--Digital literacy/literacies and the ACTFL Standards
--Digital literacy/literacies and language acquisition research
--Learner agency, attitudes, beliefs, and/or motivation related to digital literacy/literacies
--(Re)defining digital literacy/literacies
--Socioeconomic issues (e.g., access, affordability) and implications for learners/teachers regarding digital literacy/literacies

Chapter proposals (double-spaced; 2 pages) including the objectives and/or research questions, method, theoretical framework/approach, and an overview of the findings/recommendations should be submitted by June 3, 2013. (Please provide in-text citations, but no list of references is needed.) Send chapter proposals to the editors at the e-mail addresses listed above; include name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and e-mail address(es). If there is more than one author, please indicate who will be the corresponding author (i.e., the one who will be responsible for all communication with the editors).

Authors of all proposals will be notified by June 10, 2013 as to whether or not they are invited to submit a full manuscript (5,000-7,000 words, including references) by October 1, 2013.

Authors of full manuscripts will receive final notification as to whether or not their chapter will be included in the volume by November 15, 2013.

Final revised manuscripts will be due to the editors on January 15, 2014.

Lawrence Williams
Associate Professor of French
Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
University of North Texas

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