Carol Foss
Wind Power and Wildlife
Tuesday, April 23 -- 7:00 p.m.

Howe Library -- Hanover, NH

Co-sponsored by Mascoma Chapter of NH Audubon and the Howe Library

As the world tries to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels and move to 
renewable energy sources, one of the most appealing options has been 
windpower, but even this abundant resource cannot be used without some 
downside effects. The birding community and environmental groups have 
long expressed concern about the potential impact of the rotating 
turbines on bird populations. There are also questions about the damage 
done to fragile hilltop ecosystems and their wildlife and plant 
communities by construction of the turbines and the access roads needed 
to service them.

As head of NH Audubon's Conservation Science Dept., Carol Foss has 
considerable experience with these matters. She'll talk to us about the 
pros and cons of windpower tapping into current research on the topic as well as examing the real life impacts these wind projects are having.
The event is free and open to the public.
Mascoma Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon