Yesterday when I was driving to Bradford from Norwich I saw an immature bald eagle (don't know what year) circling lowish over the highway. I pulled over and watched it for what seemed like minutes wishing I had brought my camera or at least binoculars. As soon as I remembered my iphone, it started to climb higher to make sure I couldn't get any kind of picture.  It disappeared after being joined by a Red-Tailed Hawk.  There was large, red meat road kill on 91s, wonder if it had been considering that. This was at mile marker 90.1... Can't remember before or after fairlee exit. Wonder if it's one of the Youths mentioned!

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On Mar 14, 2013, at 6:59 PM, Blake Allison <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

An adult seen atop a broken off, 20 foot tall, snag in a row of pines along NH Rt. 10 just north of Loch Lyme Lodge. Could not tell in the glare of the setting sun, even using binoculars at 30 yards away, what the age might be. There has been a pair of young adult bald eagles, showing some smudgy splotches in their white head feathers, on the Connecticut ranging from Grant Brook down to the Ompompanoousc River's outflow in Hanover. Can't confirm whether this was one of them. Post Pond remains iced over. Surprised to see the bird at that location. Connecticut River center channel now open from at least Bradford, VT all the way to the Wilder Dam.

Blake Allison

Lyme, NH 03768-3322