Yesterday during the rainstorm, a huge flock of Common Redpolls arrived at
my feeders-estimated between 75-100. I've had regular Redpoll visitors of
about 4-5 for several weeks, so this was a big surprise. Also saw a Brown
Creeper. Then today around 1:30-2 PM I heard a ruckus out front and saw 2
Ravens flying around and landing on a near by telephone pole. Looked down,
and there was the Barred Owl on the phone wire that had been here 2 days
ago (presumably).  The Ravens did not suceed in dislodging the owl. I went
out to take pictures and it just sat there for about 2 hours, though a
sudden dip and change of location seemed to have produced some red on the
beak. I wonder what it's catching. It was very sleepy, especially after the
"catch" (I assume). Chickadees ignored it, perhaps to their peril. (I hope

Cindy Crawford

Creature Kinships and Natural Affinities
Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints