I didn't see a post by Daniel Schnell.  Is it on the UVB list or another?
Was the location on Trescott Rd. or another?

Thanks! (can't wait for the photos!)


On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Jim Block <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I spent 20-30 minutes with the owl this morning, much of the time about 30
> meters away. It seemed completely unaffected by my presence.  I bushwhacked
> in to the swamp encouraged by Daniel Schell's post (I'm convinced he did
> see
> the Great Gray last night). When I entered the woods the owl was sitting in
> a small, lone conifer right in front of me. It made its way to a series of
> snags to the east.  It sat for a while on one right next to the boardwalk
> before eventually departing to the SE.  Photos to follow.
> Jim Block
> Etna, NH