No, not that kind of going wild - We mean going into the wilderness!!

This year, CnT is organizing not just one, but TWO trips - and they're both going to places we've never gone before!!

Soak up the California sunshine on the West Coast trip, which will spend a week hiking in LOS PADRES NATIONAL FOREST!!


Go on the East Coast trip, and spend five days hiking in SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK, followed by the two days on Shackleford Island in CAPE LOOKOUT NATIONAL SEASHORE!!

And if that's not wild enough for you....

The West Coast trip gets to hike through the Los Padres California Condor Sanctuary...

and the East Coast trip gets to see wild horses at Shackleford Island!

Now that's WILD!!

There are more details in the attached application, which is due by midnight on ***FEBRUARY 4th***
Blitz back with questions, or with your completed applications!

(If you've applied, please note the updated cost for the West Coast trip)