Hey everyone,
This afternoon I went bikng with a friend along Mink Brook for about an hour. While biking I kept my eye open for birds, especially the waterfowl on the water. Decent number of ducks, representing Wood Duck, Mallard, Black Duck, and Hooded Merganser. But the real highlight began on our way back, near the river. I noticed an interesting duck on the water, and upon closer inspection I realized it was not a duck but a RED-NECKED GREBE! The bird was diving a fair amount and appeared to be an adult that still showed faint breeding plumage. I managed to get a number of alright pictures, but the light conditions made it difficult to get good shots. Regardless, if anyone wants me to send the pictures, let me know. A bird I greatly enjoyed observing, and a neat find!
And is Red-necked Grebe ucommon inland here during this time of year?
Happy birding,
Kyle Kittelberger

Mink Brook wetlands area, Hanover, Grafton, US-NH
Oct 12, 2012 3:45 PM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments:    biking for an hour along Mink Brook
6 species

Wood Duck  10
American Black Duck  1
Mallard  8
Hooded Merganser  3
Red-necked Grebe  1
Belted Kingfisher  1

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