A Northern Goshawk made a brief appearance today on Bragg Hill in Norwich. It was sitting in a treetop where there are often Common Ravens hanging out. There were 2 Ravens in a field close by.  When the hawk flew off, I turned around and went back, finding a Raven in nearly the same place. I got pictures of both and created a composite. Although the angles are different, I think the proportions are pretty close to correct.  These pictures are cropped to about 1/8 of the frame , so they are greatly blown up and not the best quality. I am quite sure on this i.d. because of the eye stripe (though faint here), the general markings and especially the impressive size of this bird- much larger than a Cooper's Hawk.  Comments always welcome.



Also seen over the weekend and today:
At home:
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Black-throated Blue- full male
Common Yellowthroat-F
8-10 White-throated Sparrows
10-12 Evening Grosbeaks (still here)
Blue Jays
WB Nuthatches
Cooper's Hawk fighting with Blue Jays. Quite a show/racket
Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers
Heard: Flicker, Pileated

At Wilder Dam today:

Bald Eagle-adult
Pied-billed Grebe
Chipping sparrows
White-crowned Sparrow
Song Sparrows
Brown Thrasher


Cindy Crawford

Creature Kinships and Natural Affinities
Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints
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