Today Ed Hack, Spencer Hardy, and I birded in Windsor and Quechee, VT.  
Cindy Crawford joined us in Quechee by Dewey's Pond.

Highlights among 41 species at Lake Runnemede in Windsor included an  
American Wigeon, an immature Bald Eagle, an American Kestrel, a  
Peregrine Falcon, a Marsh Wren (seen by all and digiscoped by  
Spencer), a Carolina Wren, a Blackpoll Warbler, 3 Palm Warblers, a  
Pine Warbler occasionally singing, Savannah, Song, Lincoln's, Swamp,  
White-throated, and White-crowned Sparrows, and 2 Purple Finches.

A Belted Kingfisher was present at Mill Pond in Windsor.

Highlights among 32 species in the area of the floodplain near the  
Simon Pearce facilities in northeastern Windsor included a Double- 
crested Cormorant, an immature Bald Eagle (different individual from  
the one listed above), six species of woodpeckers (including Red- 
bellied), an American Kestrel, 2 Eastern Phoebes, roughly 100 European  
Starlings flying about in apparent pursuit of flying insects, a fairly  
late Blackpoll Warbler, a conservatively estimated 40 Yellow-rumped  
Warblers, 2 Black-throated Green Warblers, a lingering Scarlet Tanager  
well seen by all, and 10 Pine Siskins heard and seen in flight.

Among highlights at Dewey's Pond in Quechee this afternoon were a  
Common Merganser, 4 Pied-billed Grebes, an American Bittern, and a  
well seen American Coot.

Special thanks to Spencer and Ed for compiling data for eBird.

George Clark
Norwich, VT