Upper Valley Birders,

Many of you have birded the variety of habitats at the Windsor State  
Farm Corrections property. The star attractions in recent years have  
been the Golden-winged Warblers and Blue-winged Warblers. The  
grasslands are some of the largest open habitat in eastern Vermont  
that can be explored by the public. The future use and public access  
of these lands will be discussed this Wednesday in a public meeting in  
Windsor. The announcement is below:

Discussion on Prison Property Sustainability Report
On Wednesday, September 26th  7pm at the Windsor Welcome Center, Susan  
Bartlett, special assistant to the Governor, will lead a discussion on  
the recently released “Windsor Integral Sustainability Study”. The  
study is a document that focuses on potential uses for the lands  
surrounding the Windsor Correctional Facility. The meeting will be a  
review of the document as well as an open community forum designed to  
gather local input on the report and possible further use of the land  
that could be mutually beneficial to the Windsor community and the  
state. The report can be found on the Windsor municipal website here: http://www.windsorvt.org/documents/prison-farm-reports/

Marianne and Michael Walsh
151 East Camp Hill Road
Weathersfield, VT 05156-9629