Flickers continue to move through the yard at the rate of 4-to-6 daily. Largest number was last Wednesday; 12. More than 40 so far this migration season, a yard record. Flock of twelve robins on Thursday. Five bluebirds this afternoon.

The fire pond we had dug in 2010 brought in its first blue heron three weeks ago. No sign of it again until today, when we saw it perched in the big, dead white pine next to the pond. Presume this bird is the same one that has been visiting other neighborhood fire ponds this summer. Had ordered a great blue heron decoy that arrived Friday and put it out around noon today. Will be interesting to see whether the real one returns.

Elsewhere in Lyme, an adult pair of loons is seen regularly on Post Pond. If this is the parenting pair, where are their offspring? Also, yesterday morning a broad-winged hawk was observed sitting on a utility line near the junction of NH Rt. 10 and High Street.

Blake Allison
Lyme, NH 03768-3322