Spent yesterday (9/15)  at Putney Mountain watching a great show of migrating hawks.  Grand total reported was 620, I think, though I did not see that many. There were about 10-12 people there at any one time. Perfect day! We were there from about noon till 4:30.
Entertaining highlights were Sharpies buzzing the plastic owl in a tree and a Red-tail carrying some sort of prey. This bird came around twice, eating on the fly, as it were.

Please feel free to comment/correct i.d.s on these pictures. There is one mystery bird, and I'm not totally positive on my i.d.s or ages.

Red-tail with prey

Broad-winged, Osprey, Kestrel, Sharpie, Red-tailed, mystery bird

Cindy Crawford

Creature Kinships and Natural Affinities
Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints
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